The main issue R2 has at the moment is a rather dodgy center foot. For a start off, the shell is actually structural which I don’t like. The shell is also not the best, with no easy access to remove the center foot without a full dismantle which isn’t easy.
So R2 got some new foot shells made up, and I started work on a new set of wheels to fit in them.
Based on a design by another builder (Youtube video of them in action), the chassis for the wheels is made out of plates of aluminium with some square tubing for spacing. The wheels going into them are 4″ Vex Omni Pro ones, which allow movement in all directions, not just forwards and back. Much better than a caster as it doesn’t have to swivel when changing direction. Also allows for larger diameter wheels which helps getting over bumps.

This chassis will be bolted directly to the center ankle, and the foot shell will more or less just be floating on top. This, coupled with a few other modifications and tweaks, should make for a much more steady ride with less rattles.
Pingback: Omnis and center foot – Darren's R2D2 build