Decentralised Social Media

Something I've been interested in for quite a while now is the various forms of distributed social media that have been cropping up. A number of years ago I looked…


Big printers

I've just done a post over on my other blog (seeing as it wasn't R2 related), but it is going to be used a lot for my droids over the…


Update and Roadmap

After a busy, busy May, June has been a bit more relaxing. May was filled with events, not just with R2, and pretty much drained my (and R2's) batteries. Got…


Slicing my inner dome!

So, finally got some time on a weekend with nice weather to get outside with the inner dome and my Dremel. Whilst the dome set I got had a laser…


Inside Out

So, I seem to be building R2 in the reverse of how most people build their versions. Whilst I started with the dome due to finding a good deal, I've…

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