Weekend of code enhancements

The temperature is getting low, and after spending most of saturday getting numb fingers and feet whilst working on R2's center foot, I decided to do some much warmer work…


Spectre Squad Photo Shoot

This morning, Spectre Squad had got access to the Preston Laser Quest arena for doing some photo shoots with everyone in their gear. R2 wasn't going to miss out! Early…


Preston Comic Con

Back home now and recharging the ol' batteries after a day at the Guild Hall in Preston for Preston Comic Con. Had a great day, with lots of interactions with…


Preston Comic Con Prep

Currently getting ready for a single day convention in Preston. Needed to do a few repairs to R2 after the last event, and as usual I left them all to…

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New blog

I've decided to keep things regarding R2 all on his own little blog. Its been a 4+ year build so far, but I will be back filling a load of…